
October 2024

how clock shifts affect wellbeing and time perception

The end of October marks the end of British Summer Time. The After the End team want to understand how clock shifts affect wellbeing and time perception. Our survey launched in The Guardian on 21st October with a feature ‘Does mood lighten or darken as clocks go back? Britons urged to join study’.

The study is launched by Prof Ruth Ogden from the After the End team as part of research exploring how external disruptions can affect people’s sense of time.

“I’m interested in trying to understand how it feels when your day-to-day sense of time is disrupted by an external force: do you feel like you’ve got more or less time, and higher or lower levels of wellbeing?” asks Ruth.

The survey is connected to the wider question of the relationship between time and power, and how when other people are in control of time, it can create various types of injustice for certain groups.


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